Pop-up store rentals

Our exclusive PopUp shops in Paris, France

Pop-up stores à louer Saint-Germain-des-Prés

The Pop-Up shops a polymorphous tools


Testing a new format and new experiences


Reaching out to a new target


Thoroughly exploring an innovations’ reception


Finding your brand identity, creating a PR stunt

Research places on the brief

network made of ephemeral shops in Paris

Our network made of ephemeral shops in Paris

Thanks to our network of more than 250 pop-up stores, we undertake to find the ideal place for you, according to your objectives, your target and your universe.

pop-up store rental activity spreads out all over France

pop-up store rental activity spreads out all over France

And why not travel all around France ? The growing demand from our customers for other cities in France is the reason why we have broadened our pop-up store network to reach towns such as Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Nantes, Lille…

How to do a Pop-Up shops ?

icône ampoule

Conceptualise your ideas

The pop-up is a platform for your brand’s history.

Let’s think of an immersive concept, which is like you, in order to leave a mark.

- Conception & Omnichannel set-up
- Scenography & Layout
- Create experiences

icône direction

Find the ideal location

The location is conditional to the success of your operation.

Let’s define together your objectives (to recruit, to make people loyal to your brand), the pulling capacity of your brand and your identity in order to find the perfect gem.

- Nestore’s laboratories
- Partners stores
- Researches on brief

icône expérience client

Create a customer experience

To never belittle customer experience.

The ABC: an efficient payment system, a qualified, welcoming sales staff, and an inventory up to date. But also workshops, encounters, events to be unforgettable.

- Logistics
- Staffing & training courses
- Checkout system

icône évolution

Measure performance

The pop-up needs to be measured, just like your website.

Set up the right indicators to learn from your previous experiences and better know your customers.

- Drive to store
- Performance measurement
- Creating customer loyalty


The Success Stories of our brands

Petitjean Paris

Where can you organise a Pop-Up shops in France?

Our exclusive PopUp shops in Paris, France

The Marais Paris, 3e and 4th arrondissements

There's no shortage of pop-up stores in the Marais. And with good reason, this trend-setting district enjoys a high level of both local and international traffic. You'll no doubt have heard of the rue Vieille du Temple, the rue Francs-Bourgeois or the rue des Rosiers, famous for their second-hand clothes shops, falafels, designers, gallery owners and big names. As trendy landmarks of the capital, pop-up stores are particularly sought-after because they embody the vitality and novelty of the district. And of course it's the place to be for Fashion Week.

Les Halles district & Etienne Marcel, 2nd arrondissement

With its strong commercial axes, such as the rue Etienne Marcel or the rue Montmartre, the 2nd arrondissement of Paris has a strong potential in order to create one’s pop up store. As it encompasses the mall of the Forum des Halles and its major brands, this neighborhood offers a stylish and relaxed atmosphere, which is influenced by its proximity to the Marais. The rue Montorgueil and its brasseries draw out both tourists and locals, which generates an important traffic at every hour of the day, during the weekend, or during the week, in the 2nd arrondissement.

Les Batignolles, the 17th arrondissement

Often qualified as a “village”, this neighborhood of the 17th arrondissement in Paris is known for its high-class, bohemian population, which is both friendly and young. We no longer count the number of unusual shops and picturesque brasseries. All the shops favoured by Parisians are there: Balibaris, Le Grand Appartement Sezane, A.P.C, Marie-Sixtine, Léon & Harper… The neighbourhood life in Les Batignolles is quite active, and the inhabitants favour local businesses. It actually is the reason why your pop up store will not be unnoticed.

And why not travel all around France?

A pop-up store in Lyon, France

Pop up stores are not exclusively reserved for capitals such as Paris. Lyon was voted the most attractive city of France, for three years in a row. Its peninsula is very dynamic. It is a place where major national brands, the luxury sector and independent shops mix together as they are scattered all around the city center. And pop-up stores have started to emerge for a few years, especially around the place Carnot or the place des Jacobins. We also think of the Village des Créateurs of the Grand Hôtel Dieu, which support fashion, decoration, design brands which are emerging. This is proof that the town and its inhabitants are fans of trends and young startups.

A pop-up store in Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux, one the cities prefered by the French, has all the advantages needed to launch one’s own pop up store. The 1200m which make for shop windows in the rue Sainte-Catherine, the historical center considered as a UNESCO world heritage, the festive and student-like atmosphere of the banks are what makes Bordeaux an attractive and dynamic city. And Bordeaux will gladly welcome your ephemeral shop.

A pop up store in Lille, France

The shopping is convivial and animated, which is characteristic of northern towns. In the Vieux-Lille, you will find shops that are more dedicated to design and craftsmanship whereas the city centre is where all the major brands are. Commerce and craftsmanship are the heart of the dynamism and the attractiveness of the town for tourists. Close to European frontiers, Lille makes for a European meeting point. As a true merchant city, with more than 4500 businesses, the pop-up store will find its place and will make inhabitants and passers-by curious. It is especially the reason why your pop-up store will not be unnoticed.

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