Who can open a pop-up store?

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Absolutely everyone! Whether you're an e-commerce brand, a physical brand, a DNVB, an influencer or anything else... As the definition of the pop up store, it allows you to communicate on the subject of your choice. If you have a project and lots of ideas in mind, why not take the plunge?

For brands that are only present on the web, the aim is to accelerate the development of their brand by meeting their customers and getting their feedback. A new shop is bound to attract curious onlookers.
A potential customer will be more reluctant to buy a brand they don't know on the internet than in a shop, once they've been able to try it on, touch it, smell it... A shop offers all the advantages of a traditional shop: real products and reassurance (sales staff). All the advantages with fewer financial risks! What's more, the ephemeral nature of a boutique gives customers a special feeling.

Physical brands are also concerned by the ephemeral in order to create a new customer experience  with workshops, or for the launch of new products. The latter is an objective much used by luxury brands. They will use the senses and the gamification.

And if you don't want to do a pop-up store on your own, you can also team up with several brands to create a concept store! It's a concept that's becoming more and more popular! Pyramid Paris at the Carrousel du Louvre, for example, has launched a pop-up with several French DNVBs.

Often, when Nestore rents out its pop-up shops to small designers, they decide to team up with several designers to split the costs. This also allows each designer to benefit from the other's reputation. A successful designer pop-up is one where the products are aimed at the same target group. For example, a women's ready-to-wear brand could be associated with accessories and jewellery designers. Potential customers can then design their entire outfit in the same shop. The customer experience is therefore more pleasant when the products complement each other.

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